Dr. Karyn Goldberg-Boltz
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Psychotherapy for Teens, Adults and Couples
Walnut Creek, CA

Create connection, change, and well-being
Hello and welcome to my site.
If you are struggling with life’s challenges, you are not alone.
Through in-person or virtual psychotherapy, I can offer you professional guidance, support, and hope.
With distinguished professional credentials and 30 years of practice, I’ve helped numerous teens, adults, and couples overcome their obstacles and lead healthier, happier, more fulfilling and productive lives.
I can help you to create the life-changing transformations that good therapy provides. I understand the obstacles you face and will provide the insight, strategies, and tools you need to successfully overcome them.
From resolving conflict to overcoming painful symptoms and emotional suffering,
I work with you to develop the confidence and resources you need to reach your goals.
I work with both individuals and couples to:
understand and communicate their needs and feelings,
cultivate trust, intimacy, and passion in their relationships,
heal old wounds and break free of destructive behavior patterns,
and improve your outlook, resilience, and mind/body health.
How do we work together?
Through the compassion, safety and privacy of our therapeutic relationship, I will help you to address your struggles. I collaborate with you to provide the care that best meets your goals and needs. While some people receive the clarity and relief they seek within a few sessions, most people experience the rewards of working with me longer.
Our relationship helps you gain the insight, healing, and courage you need to resolve your issues, deepen your relationships and grow to reach your potential.
My therapy dog can work with us if you would like the additional comfort of a dog’s healing presence.
Please click on these links to read more about my:
approach, services and areas of expertise, credentials, and fees and office policies.
I am confident that if you are ready to move forward, together, we can take significant steps to improve your life.
Next steps: How can I help you?
The best way to find out how much I can help you is to schedule an initial evaluation meeting with me.
I am available and ready to help. I look forward to hearing from you.
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Anxiety, Depression, Encopresis, Nightmares, Sleep Problems
Obsessive Compulsive Behavior Issues around Self-Esteem, Gender or Sexual Identity
Destructive, Oppositional, Aggressive Behavior ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities
Eating Disorders, Weight Problems Peer and Social Problems, Isolation or Alienation
Suicidal Feelings or Gestures Divorce, Grief, Loss or Trauma
Self-Destructive Behavior, Cutting Adopted, Step Children and Attachment Issues
Drug and Alcohol Use, Precocious Sexuality Health Issues, Chronic Illness